Sunday, May 22, 2022

Cyanotis obtusa : now accepted taxon

Cyanotis arachnoidea 'Tampicana' → Cyanotis obtusa (Tampicana)
What was formerly known as Cyanotis arachnoidea 'Tampicama'

Today, May 22 that I happened to check POWO, the Cyanotis obtusa is now an accepted taxon and not a synonym of Cyanotis arachnoidea anymore. So it has been transferred back to its formerly accepted taxon and it's not identified as Cyanotis arachnoidea anymore.

Therefore what was formerly known as Cyanotis arachnoidea 'Tampicana' now becomes → Cyanotis obtusa.

Here is a screenshot taken in 2017, of what was falsely labelled as Setcreasea [Tradescantia] pallida Tampicana, from Glasshouse Works. What can only be retained from that name is " Tampicana " as a common name.

However, there's another Cyanotis obtusa with narrower stems and smaller leaves. That one I have seen it labelled as Cyanotis arachnoidea var. obtusa. But that taxon is not listed as an infraspecific on the POWO website anymore.

I think more botanical work and communication between POWO and botanists needs to be done.

These were the cuttings that I was selling as Cyanotis arachnoidea (left) and Cyanotis arachnoidea 'Tampicana' (now Cyanotis obtusa).

The Cyanotis arachnoidea in my position identified by the Indian botanist and expert on Commelinaceae Mayur Nandikar.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Advancements in Plant Science (Dolf Zantinge water research)

Dr. Andrew Kaufman's guest is Dolf Zantinge, a water expert researcher and inventor of the Aǹalemma Water Wand. This device is balancing/cohering regular tap water into a supercharged state. It essentially structures and rearranges the molecules of air in the water and the drinking water becomes thus energetically supercharged. Coherent water means that the atomic structure in the water has the ability to create different crystalline forms. And can thus transform and transport the information that normally should be in water. Pure water from rivers high in mountains is structured and coherent. People don't think that water can actually transport information, but it has been proved multiple times. Most waters nowadays are losing that communication system. So you have non-structured water but you have to drink much more water because you are losing the communication. The coherence that the Aǹalemma Water Wand creates, it keeps that water stable even after weeks, months.

Subjects discussed

🌸 Seeds react positively to uplifting music by producing 30% more harvest.
🌸 Biological organisms (including seeds & plants) emit light. The more light an organism emits, that is an indication of vitality. Actually that is a form of language of vitality that seeds and plants communicate to each - other.
🌸 When seed/plants are watered with that coherent water, their communication is in balance and they produce more light.
🌸 Water is the communicator between them, is the highway*
🌸 The biophoton signal is propagated through water.
🌸 Coherent water becomes more essential - houseplants aside it's even more important for the greens and veggies - when we produce our own vegetables, because we are eating biophoton supercharged food.
🌸 Coherent water builds up resistance in plants (against poor environmental conditions, chemicals, pests).
🌸 Plants emit more light without fertilizer. Coherent water in that sense acts literally as an armour protecting plants.

*although I personally believe it's Ether - or else called Qi or the Vital Force or Prana shakti - that is responsible for most of this type of "magic" we see. I believe that ether connects all 4 elements: earth, water, air, fire.

tags: plant science, biophotons, plant communication, seed communication, plant fertilization, water science